Rezept: Unglaublich Corn Cheese - Mit Tipps und Tricks

Corn Cheese. Corn cheese (콘치즈) is a quick, simple but also delicious side dish. It is quite often used in Korea as a side dish but is most popular as anju (안주). Anju is a general term used in Korea to describe food that is usually eaten with alcohol.

Corn Cheese In a bowl, mix together the drained corn, mayo, melted butter, sugar, and half of the cheese. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Scoop the corn mix into an ovenproof dish or skillet and top with the remaining cheese. Willkommen Mama. Corn Cheese kann von Anfängern zubereitet werden. Keine Angst vor Schwierigkeiten, denn ein gesundes Menü zuzubereiten dauert nicht lange. Das Rezept ist einfach und die benötigten Zutaten sind leicht zu finden. Du kannst kochen Corn Cheese using 5 zutaten und 3 zubereitung. So kochst du es.

Zutaten von Corn Cheese

  1. Bereiten 1 kleine Dose von Mais.
  2. du musst 1/4 von Paprika.
  3. Vorbereiten von Geriebener Käse.
  4. Brauchen von Mayonnaise.
  5. Bereiten 1 von Frühlingszwiebel.

Chef Jae Lee, the host of the video, does mention that this is a much more complicated take on the dish, but he saw a chance to turn a plain cheese-topped baked corn casserole in a more flavorful. Melt butter in medium skillet and add corn. Add the cheese and stir until it's nice a melted. A uniquely Korean-American creation, corn cheese is a dish inspired by two cultures.

Corn Cheese Richtlinien

  1. Den Mais in der Pfanne mit Mayonnaise anbraten..
  2. In eine Schüssel geben. Die Paprika und die Frühlingszwiebel klein schneiden, obenauf legen..
  3. Alles mit Käse bedecken und bei 200°C backen, bis der Käse geschmolzen ist..

The simplicity of the ingredients — canned corn, mayonnaise and mild shredded cheese — yields a nearly effortless banchan, or side dish, that smells and tastes like comfort. It's extremely kid-friendly, but is also enjoyed as anju, or food that pairs well with alcohol. Heat a wok or saute pan over high heat. In a large cast iron skillet, add corn, butter, mayonnaise, and sugar. Bring skillet to medium heat and stir contents continuously until butter is melted and corn is evenly mixed in the butter and mayonnaise.


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